Saturday, January 5, 2019

My To Read List for 2019

Hello, hello! I recently wrote up a To Read List for 2019, and I'm super excited to get started with it. Actually, I'm already working on it: currently I'm reading Eldest, the second book in The Inheritance Cycle. So far, so good.

The goal is to read 10 books this year. I'm going easy on myself for two reasons: one, my main focus this year is on writing and editing Skrikare, and two, I'm just starting to really get back into reading. I don't think overloading myself with books this year is the right way to go, given the circumstances.

That said, my list does contain more than 10 books - just in case I find the time to read more than 10. Don't want to leave myself scrambling for books mid-year, you know? We'll see how it goes.

Here's a picture of the list:

My To Read List for 2019

Yes, yes, I know: I'm behind the game in a lot of these books. College kept me from reading for fun for a while. No big deal. And the last three listed are series/trilogies, so I figure the list is actually closer to 20, if not more. I'll save those last two series for last. If I don't finish The Shadowhunter Chronicles this year and read them into 2020, no big deal. I'm starting 2019 with the second book of The Inheritance Cycle, after all!

And if you want links (and easier to read writing), here's the list in text form:

  1. Eldest

  2. Brisingr

  3. Inheritance

  4. On Writing

  5. The Hunger Games

  6. Catching Fire

  7. Mockingjay

  8. Vicious

  9. The Engine What Runs the World

  10. The Shadowhunter Chronicles

  11. A Court of Thorns and Roses

  12. Grisha Trilogy

But yes, those will keep me busy this year, I should think. ;) Which books do you plan to read in 2019?